1. A Truly Cozy Robe
We all giggled when we saw this picture of Katie Holmes wrapped up in her Kashwere robe on set. This luxurious robe is indeed fit for a star! Nothing compares to the warmth and softness of Kashwere. A holiday favourite for Beestung customers and staff alike. This is a gift that she will wear all winter long. Available in white, navy or soft blue.
2. A Pretty Red Bra
Put her in the holiday spirit in this red bra from Elle MacPherson. A smooth contour bra with silver glitter accents for added pizzazz. This bra is extremely wearable for everyday, but has style to boot!
3. Days Of The Week Knickers
A childhood favourite goes grown-up! From fabulous designer Stella McCartney come pretty silk and cotton panties. Each panty is delicately embroidered with the day of the week and edged with lace. The whole set comes packed in it's very own set of drawers. This will be on her 'want list' for sure.